var recipientTarget = new Array(null,null,null,null); var bodySource = null; var bodyTarget = null; var attachmentElement = null; var popUpWin = null; var messageForm = null; var actionButton = null; var envelopeWin = null; var bodyWin = null; var submitOK = false; var charset = "UTF-8"; var fillFactor = 7; var attachURL="/FAV3-001041DA/JavaScript/%23723760/Attach?UnSent=1"; function sendMessage(sendMode) { var recipientNames; var proceed = true; var fieldIDs = new Array(9,11,30); submitOK = false; if(!sendMode && (field[9].length + field[11].length)==0 && field[30].length > 0 && (131)) proceed = confirm("Warning:\n Your message contains only BCC recipients.\n It may be marked as spam/junk email.\n Send it anyway?"); if(!sendMode && (field[9].length + field[11].length + field[30].length)==0) { if(50) alert("Error: No recipient names, Unable to send message"); } else if(proceed && customSend(sendMode)) { if(bodySource) bodyTarget.value = bodySource.value; if(messageForm.elements["Priority"]) messageForm.elements["Priority"].value = field[36]; if(messageForm.elements["Sensitivity"]) messageForm.elements["Sensitivity"].value = field[34]; for(var type=0; type < fieldIDs.length; type++) if(typeof(field[fieldIDs[type]]) != "undefined" && field[fieldIDs[type]].length) { for(var index=0, recipientNames=""; index < field[fieldIDs[type]].length; index++) { recipientNames += field[fieldIDs[type]][index][1]; if(index != field[fieldIDs[type]].length-1) recipientNames += "\n"; } recipientTarget[type].value = recipientNames; } if(sendMode==0 || sendMode==2) = "Send"; else if(sendMode==1) = "Save"; submitOK = true; } } function makeTargetElements(outDoc,includeBody,includeCc,includeBcc) { outDoc = (outDoc?outDoc:envelopeWin.document); outDoc.write(""); messageForm = outDoc.forms[outDoc.forms.length - 1]; outDoc.write(""); actionButton = messageForm.elements[messageForm.elements.length - 1]; outDoc.write(""); recipientTarget[0] = messageForm.elements[messageForm.elements.length - 1]; if(includeBody) { outDoc.write(""); bodyTarget = messageForm.elements[messageForm.elements.length - 1]; } if(includeCc) { outDoc.write(""); recipientTarget[1] = messageForm.elements[messageForm.elements.length - 1]; } if(includeBcc) { outDoc.write(""); recipientTarget[2] = messageForm.elements[messageForm.elements.length - 1]; } outDoc.write(""); outDoc.write(""); outDoc.write(""); outDoc.write(""); outDoc.write(""); } function makePostmark() { if(formEnabled) return " "; else return "\"Postmark\""; } function openPopUp(evnt,file,width,height,options) { killPopUpWin(); var optionsString = "innerWidth=" + width + ",innerHeight=" + height + ",directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbars=no"; popUpWin =!="/"?"/.templates/":"") + file + (file.charAt(0)!='/'?"?charset=UTF-8":""),"PopUpWindow",optionsString); return false; } function openAbsolutePopUp(evnt, file, width, height, options) { killPopUpWin(); var optionsString = "innerWidth=" + width + ",innerHeight=" + height + ",directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbars=no"; popUpWin =,"PopUpWindow",optionsString); return false; } function killPopUpWin(popUpFunction) { if(popUpWin != null && !popUpWin.closed && (popUpFunction?popUpWin.currentFunction==popUpFunction:true)) popUpWin.close(); } function validateFormat() { for(var formatArg = 1; formatArg < arguments.length; formatArg++) arguments[0][formatArg] = arguments[0][formatArg]?arguments[0][formatArg]:arguments[formatArg]; return arguments[0]; } function changeCheckboxState(ID,source,dataType,CBtype) { CBtype = (CBtype?3:2); field[ID] = (field[ID]+1)%CBtype; switch(field[ID]) { case 1: source.src = "/Icons/15001"; break; case 2: source.src = "/Icons/15003"; break; default: source.src = "/images/pixel.gif"; break; } switch(ID) { case 39: messageForm.elements["ReadRcpt"].value = field[39]; break; case 40: messageForm.elements["DeliveryRcpt"].value = field[40]; break; case 41: messageForm.elements["RouteRcpt"].value = field[41]; break; default: messageForm.elements["FieldID:" + ID + "=" + dataType].value = field[ID]; break; } } function makeBody(element) { if(typeof(element)=="undefined" || element==null) { if(typeof(bodyWin.document.forms[0].elements[0]) == "undefined") element = null; else element = bodyWin.document.forms[0].elements[0]; } bodySource = element; } function customSend(){ return true; } function addFile(filename) { if(typeof(field) != "undefined" && typeof(field[13]) != "undefined") { var ID = field[13].length; field[13][ID] = new Array("-7004", filename, "", "/FAV3-001041DA/JavaScript/" + ID + "/" + filename); envelopeWin.location.reload(false); } }