Tietotori – Osallistu ja vaikuta


Geneology Tidbits (part I)

Geneology Tidbits (part I)

Friends come and go, but relatives tend to accumulate.

Genealogists never die, they just lose their roots.

Genealogy: A hay stack full of needles. It's the threads I need.

Genealogy: Collecting dead relatives and sometimes a live cousin!

Genealogy: Where you confuse the dead and irritate the living.

Heredity: Everyone believes in it until their children act like fools!

I think my family tree is a few branches short of full bloom.

Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards.

My ancestors are hiding in a witness protection program.

My family tree is a few branches short!

Research: What I'm doing, when I don't know what I'm doing.

Take nothing but ancestors, leave nothing but records.

Theory of relativity: If you go back far enough, we're all related.