WiseBoard Chess Board Editor
Monipuolinen shakkieditori.
- Set up arbitrary chess positions.
- Generate JPG chess board images (diagrams).
- Play chess by making legal chess moves on the chessboard on the right.
- Share these dynamic chessboards with others.
- Embed such dynamic chessboards in your own pages about chess.
- Play email chess with your friends by exchanging these dynamic chessboards.
- Play chess online for free against a chess playing applet.
- Set up any chess position and play computer from this position online for free.
- Adjust the playing strength of the chess playing Java applet.
- Set up chess puzzles with an analysis board and play them online against a chess playing computer applet.
- Share chess puzzles over email by links to dynamic chessboards or to the chess playing computer applet with the puzzle as the starting position.
- The WiseBoard Editor is an interactive chessboard whose width and height can be set arbitrarily. The chessboard can be edited by adding chess figurines to the board, moving chess figurines on the board, and removing chess figurines from the board. The editing history - the history of changes to the board - is stored in memory giving you full undo support and the possibility to play chess games with yourself. Additionally, you can open the current editing situation in a new window. Notice that The WiseBoard Editor can be a useful tool for position analysis: you can have as many chessboards as you please and each chessboard remembers what has happened on it. Moreover, you can save the results of your chess analysis.
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